Friday, February 10, 2012

SocialShield – They Know What You Dont.

I worry about my daughters Internet use. Obviously, I spend a lot of time on the computer myself, and I feel as though I have taught her well, but lets face it, if you put an 8 year old up against an adult, well lets just say most of the time the adult is going to have the upper hand. I dont want her to feel as though I am treating her like a baby. I just want her to be safe.

Enter SocialShield, a leading cloud-based social network monitoring service. SocialShield gives parents affordable and easy to use tools that help them provide Internet safety for their children in their online environment. SocialShield technology warns parents of any questionable activity on their child’s social network accounts so they can feel comfortable about who their children are interacting with online, what photos and conversations are being posted, and where their children have profiles and because SocialShield works specifically based on ”exception reporting” technology, children can still use these networks with a feeling of privacy and independence.

“Many parents think friending their child on social networks is enough to monitor their activities and protect them, yet time and time again it’s shown that it isn’t,” said George Garrick, CEO of SocialShield. “Most parents don’t have the time to keep up with the sheer volume of interactions or have the understanding of the online language to really get what their kids are saying or what people are saying to their kids. This makes it really easy for problems to go unnoticed.”

So let SocialShield notify you if they find anything you should be concerned about, and you’ll have all the information you need to keep your kids safe – online at least. SocialShield is currently offering a free 60 day trial of their service and its under 10 bucks a month after that.


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