Thursday, February 9, 2012

Faker$ – Creative Fun with Forgeries

I remember being a kid and trying to make it look like I was visiting with a famous celebrity by having someone take a picture of me next to a cardboard cut out advertisement, I also remember those photo booths by the beach that let you put yourself on the cover of a well known magazine… complete with the body of a Goddess. Those were some fun times… but now being someone you’re not just got a whole lot easier!

Heliceum, a company specializing in the development and publishing of entertainment applications for smartphones iPods and iPads, announces the release of its newest application, Faker$. Faker$ is an app for everyone with a sense of humor-that wants to share it. With a multitude of crazy and spoofy templates to work with, Faker$ lets its users create fake magazine covers, ridiculous newspaper headlines, off-the-wall ID cards, and downright weird diplomas in record time, and thanks to its intuitive interface, impressing and stupefying friends and family is child’s play.

Want to impress your friends by appearing on the front cover of famous magazines? Or, give your buddies their own exclusive “License to Score?” Then FAKER$ is the app for you! Just select a template and embed any photo. Enlarge, reduce or rotate the image any way you like. Edit headlines, texts, and captions. Faker$ is the only app of its kind that lets users modify text. Templates can be customized until they look just like the real thing!

I’m leaning towards being a swimsuit model on the cover of a travel magazine and then posting it on Facebook so my ex can see it… ahhh the good old days. Look for it for $1.99 at iTunes.


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