Friday, February 24, 2012

The Breadcrumb Tracker – Your Teen’s Worst Nightmare


I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but it seems like more kids are getting into trouble, or worse, ending up missing. It seems like everyday I hear a news report about a child abduction, or a missing mom… there are Silver alerts on the highway warning us to be on the lookout for a “lost” senior. I don’t know whats going on, but it does keep me up nights. I remember when I was a kid, wandering the neighborhood for the entire day, coming home in time for dinner, its not like that anymore.

Breadcrumb is offering a unique location technology software that is able to provide parents or caregivers the ability to view the precise location of their family members right from their Smartphone, or any Internet connected computer. The software also allows children to send a request for help to their parents with a simple push of a button on their Smartphone. A parents dream, a teenagers worst nightmare.

The software also allows you to receive special alerts on your Smartphone via text message when a family member arrives at a specified destination or has traveled outside agreed upon boundaries. The program does not however, disclose the location of the parents, of course maximizing punishment potential when your kid tries to tell you they’re at the library and you’re standing outside the party.

Optionally, with Breadcrumb’s Automated Vehicle Locator you can also view the real-time location of your family vehicles on a Google or Bing map, also right from your Smartphone.View the travel route of your vehicle each day, and receive optional alerts when a family member is exceeding the speed limit on the highway.

Basic service starts at under 8 bucks a month per person (I’d almost pay that to find my Smartphone everyday) and enables you to find your kid within 9 feet of their location in about 3 seconds… Like I said, its not like it used to be..


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