Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Technicolor brings MediaEcho to tablets and TVs

I got a chance to view Techicolor’s booth at CES, and I was very surprised that a company best known color motion picture processes would have modern-day CES presence.

Yes, they are still at work, and I believe that their Media Echo is the most significant contribution to home entertainment since the advent of color. It is based on consumers’ behavior to check their tablet PC or other device while watching a movie.

MediaEcho allows the user to look at their secondary screen to gain more in-depth information of the film. This includes cast, crew, and production information, historical facts, even specialized audio and videos on file. MediaEcho also allows users to engage in social media services, so that they can share content and post comments.

MediaEcho also has an e-commerce feature that is really in to targeting the viewer for Point-of-Sale transfers. For example, while watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, you can buy Indy’s hat, as well as some of the army uniforms!

As you might have guessed, this technology is available via BD-Live technology to allow for two-way communication between the Internet-connected Blu-Ray device and a tablet, be it Apple or Android.

Personally, I think we know that all movies are going to become like this, and Technicolor is ahead of their game with this one. Right now, there are only so many movies available, but I would imagine that soon every movie will be fit for watching on MediaEcho.

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