Monday, January 23, 2012

Penclic could change the shape of the computer mouse

I had another terrific encounter at CES, with a device that could change the market as we know it.

This is the Penclic mouse, a mouse which has a sort of pen and quill mod. The purpose is to “harness the natural power and dexterity in our fingers and hands”.

If you want to do a lot of clicking, then you do not have to as the pen understands the user’s pen grip, so you can avoid the Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) with most computer mice.

Not only that, it really is designed to work like a pen! So if you need to sign digital signature, you can do that as well.

You can choose between putting the pen on the screen, or use it on the side of the computer as well. It could easily change the way that you interact with the screen.

The Penclic mouse will be available in two models, one that is wireless (the R2) and one that is corded (the D2). See how the names work? Maybe there is a Penclic combo named the R2-D2. Whatever the case, I do not have a price on this.

Is there any other creative ways to do a mouse so it is more like writing than a mouse?

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